Important Questions Before Buying a Telescope

Galileo probably knew more about telescopes that you do, but if you have decided to invest in a telescope to enhance your stargazing, then you need to know just a little bit about telescopes before you buy one. Here are some important questions that you need to ask yourself before you even start shopping for a telescope.

First Question: Why do you want a telescope? If you want a telescope because you are going camping and want to show your kids the stars, or only for the purpose of determining if your kid really is interested in astronomy, or just to scratch your own curiosity itch, you should stick to a simple, lightweight telescope that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. On the other hand, if you or your child has already demonstrated a burning interest in astronomy, spend a few more bucks and buy a better model.

Second Question: What are your financial constraints? Unless you were born rich, you have financial constraints just like everybody else. You have to determine how much you are willing (or able) to spend on a telescope before you start shopping for one. The more you pay for a telescope, the more bells and whistles you'll get, but remember that money spent does not always translate to enjoyment experienced.

Third Question: How do you intend to use a telescope? Not that it matters a lot…looking celestial objects with one telescope is pretty much the same as looking at celestial objects with another telescope. However, you do need to realize that the magnification is not the most important factor to consider. Aperture is far more important. When it comes to a choice, you will always be better off choosing less magnification and higher aperture no matter how you intend to use the telescope.

Posted by : Odelia // 07:40